Monday, April 2, 2012


看完了《36小时on call》,
《妇产科的女医生》是韩国SBS电视台于2010年2月3日至2010年3月25日期间播放的水木连续剧,由张瑞希、高周元、 徐智锡、宋钟基等人领衔演出。本剧以一家地方医院妇产科为背景,通过描写医生、准夫妻等不同的人物面貌,讲述了现代社会的爱情和婚姻以及和怀孕相关的各种 小插曲。

英文名:Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctors   
类 型:医院里的爱情故事
集 数:16集


张瑞希饰 徐惠英(婦產科研究所兩年-地方醫院科長)

高周元饰 李尚植 (負責新生兒重症病房兒科醫生)

徐智锡饰 王在锡 (不孕不育臨床醫生)

宋钟基饰 安庆宇 (婦產實習科二年醫師)

PS:这些都是我所谓的帅医生啦!free to watch it enjoy it ! tata ~ ♥ :)

Hello Baby!!! ♥ Lauren,♥Da Ying, & ♥Leo~

Recently i start to watch a korea show called HELLO BABY!
there are a group called MBLAQ which responsible to take care of the 3 cute babies / kids in the show...
3 of the babies are Lauren, Da Ying and a little pretty boy called Leo .
they are so so cute !!!
lazy to talk much..
here i share the picture for you all...
the baby i love the most is Lauren♥ she is so cute so pretty !!
i just wish to have a daughter like her in the future ! :P

Here the MBLAQ group with the 3 babies Lauren, Da Ying and Leo ! :D

Lauren <3 ! she is so pretty cute rite ? i love her !! ><

~ The End ~ :P enjoy it ! :D

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Vegetarian Party ♥ :D

This week my friends are having vegetarian..
tonight kenny going to cook vegetarian spaghetti for us .
so we went to Tesco to buy our ingredients. with ylin linie too ^^
we bought many many things including french fries and salad corn..and so on.
but then i watched my till 8am tis morning.. and i woke in 6pm..
i haven take my brunch.. so i was damn hungry..
so i went to mcd driv thru for a porridge before back to home.
and we cook it at linie's house.we're having a Vegetarian Party♥ ! :D

yuenlin did the salad and the french fries
all of it was so nice ! Thanks for our Chef Kenny ! :D
the spaghetti was so yummy ♥ ^_^
and i feel too full after that.. because i ate too much =.= again... LOL

tonight kenny gonna cook another vegetarian dinner for us.. with some sushi ! happy to hear that ! enjoying !
and today will be the last day of yuenlin linie's vegetarian week. they should be very happy , especially yuenlin ! haha ! :D
and now i know that.. it is not easy to become a vegetarian ! somemore for those pure vegetarian..even egg also cant eat ! onion too ! omg ~ i better die ~ coz i love egg ! haha ! anyway... i will respect their religion.. salute them :D

nah, here is the pictures for second day's vegetarian dinner !
Kenny prepared sushi , spaghetti , corn, dumplings.. as our vegetarian big dinner tonight ! :D
Thanks him for be our Chef and sacrificed his presentation at the end T.T LOL

Yummy ! The End ! Happy Vegetarian Party ♥ ! ^_^