Wednesday, September 29, 2010

♥ Home Sweet Home & Happy Holiday !! ♥

Wow~ it has been around 1 month long i didn't update my blog ...
I know i am a very very lazy blogger =.='' lol

Happy Day!! because i finished all my test for this sem..
but.. actually after the last paper ytdy.. i was unhappy.. =(
because my last paper like shit.. i had not enough time to finished study this subject, and then also forgot a lot of what i had studied! useless me.
so, i was lose so so so many marks for PM paper.. and even the possibility for me to pass is very low!
i wish God bless me to pass it pls~ better than need to pay RM750 to repeat it! >.<

well, i cannot blame anyone also.. because it's all my own fault i know .
i just can forget about it 1st and enjoying my holiday first.
because, pass was pass.. i jz can study harder work harder for next sem to increase my cgpa!

after the last paper ytdy, i went to sushi's house and we had a *nails drawing session* ! shushii is drawing nails for me..
we started from 1pm and end at 3pm ! salute her!! she was so patience ! hahaha
I was so delighted with her works! finally i got this kind of pretty cute nails drawing/color! ^^
nah, show u the pictures~

Tadaa~~!!! all nails got little diamond tim~ =p

Nice !! Thanks to dear Shushii~ muacks ! ^3^

after the nails drawing session, we was so sleepy ady.
bcoz ytdy i only sleep from 1.30am-330am..then wake study until direct go exam..

so, i say byebye wv sushi and went bck my place to sleep !! hoho~
mana tau i sleep until 8pm! pity my dear san san sister waiting for me for dinner ==
after i wake, san san dah tak boleh tahan and ate dinner wv her frns 1st..
so i suddenly got mood to clean my room , mop my room, wash my toilet and wash my balcony..Tired!! x_X
but i feels so fresh after i cleaned these !! feels clean and comfortable to stay ! haha
then 10pm went to Tesco wv sansan and misi~ and then go Ghany for my 'dinner' time and sansan & misi de supper time! haha

finally i ate the Roti Bakar Cheese Telur ! it was so nice! thanks for shushii again! she introduce me one~ haha
besides that, i still ordered mee goreng and paha ayam goreng.. i'm crazy & fat ! =.=
then i send san n misi go bck home ~

I start keep my luggage after i reached home..
after that keep online and stay until around 6am !
6am.. i start feels a little bit sleepy and planned to go to rest a while until the moments eugene and linie them come to fetch me go to medan gopeng bus station .
once the moment i lye on my bed.. my hp ringing..
linie asked me can prepare and we going to Ipoh take Dimsum lo~ xD

around 7am.. they came to fetch me.
While on the way going to Ipoh.. it seems like got a bit traffic we changed place to go to McD had our breakfast.
because we afraid of missed the bus.. hehe
we reached McD around 8am.. and we take breakfast and chatting at thr while waiting for the time of the bus departing to Kelantan! hehe
we talked a lot of ghost story!! cham !! wan to listen but scare la me!!
i do really hope i will forget all about it before my next sem start!! bcoz i have to stay alone in the master room thr!! scare !! T__T

okay, it's time for me n linie to take bus..
Thanks to Eugene & xiao zhi for sending us so ^^
and then they continue their journey to go bck their hometown, Taiping =)

and i was like a big big pig today!!
i slept on the bus from 11am continuously until 3+pm jz nw!!
maybe is bcoz i never sleep from ytdy .. so means my time was twisted =.=
the bus reached the station before my hometown station i jz wake! piggy -@-
and after came bck home after my lunch nasi dagang, i went to my room continue sleeping!
until my mom came to call me from 8pm-815pm i jz really wake . my mom also shocked i think. hahaha

i wake and went for dinner wv my family at malay restaurant.
ohyeah~ i ate my lovely roti canai again ! this restaurant de roti canai really wangi and nice and crispy one! muacks muacks ~ >.<
besides that, we still ordered nasi paprik and tomyam~yummy
and can see that.. only the 1st night..i was fat so much ady ! ishhh ishhh =.=!!!

and now, i was blogging at my sweet sweet room~


i wish all my dear friends ..

♥ Home Sweet Home & Happy Holiday ya !! ♥ ^.^

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