Sunday, November 7, 2010

* Chinese Cultural Night ~ 4.11.2010 *

I still remember that day on the afternoon..
me and lin still so naughty skipped the last tutorial classes
our purpose is to come back take a nap and give ourself more time to prepare ourself to go for the Chinese Cultural Night ! =)

At last Lion able to join us to go to Cultural Night together !

but actually she seems not very enjoying at thr..

because she's not 'cold blood' people.. i know she still worrying caring about 'her' =)

after make up and finished prepare myself..

around 7.15pm.. i started my car went to fetch lyan , lin , my sis and her frn

we went to UTAR Sports Complex together ^^

Thanks God there are still a lot parking for us =)

At the first... i felt so regret to come here..
because in the sports complex really so so so so hot !!!

i no mood to walk around and active like lion to buy the foods..
i jz keep standing at a place with yuenlin and i keep sweating !!
ylin also so bad temper at that moment! i can see that! xO

but after i went to the 猜灯谜 that area..

oh things to play.. i got mood liao!!

i jz keep walking around busying with to guess the word on the tanglung ! xD
and lyan was so clever really!!! salute !! xD

after that, we went in front to stand in front on the stage to see those performances..

around 945pm.. the most popular .. the main guest on this cultural night is coming !!


once he came out.. everyone was clapping and cheering~he was more fit and handsome than before! him ! >.<

he sang 3songs totally..and he walked down from the stage to shake hand with us.. everyone was so excited and uncontrollable pushed towards to shake hand with him also! xD

i was so happy!!! because i shakes hand with him twice !! ♥ ♥

after that, it's time for the hosts to pick 6persons to go up the stage to perform sth .. then can get 品冠's poster file!

everyone was raised up their hands ..who knows lyan's get picked!! then she lend me go up the stage..because she said she's not so wonder to get that.

okay, in the panic moment.. i went up to the stage ! =.= i also don't know how come i suddenly so Brave ..

who knows the hosts asked us to 'chicken dance' what the.. i almost wanna give it up and run down from the stage..but at last i'm still get it done.. because what i want is.. get Victor's poster file!
and at last i do really got it!! happy !! ^.^
Thanks linlin to help me took so many photos~
Thanks lyan to lend me the chance to have this kind of experience and get the things i hope to get ^^

do lend 2 files for them also ^^

after we all excited about those.. is Tanglung Hour~

we gather with tracy and linie.. and we played tanglung and taking photos together ^^

After all.. we went to yamcha session together~

around 2am.. we go back home and oi oi loo~

However.. this Chinese Cultural Night was a very special experience for me~ i Love it !! and makes me fall in love with



  1. wuii !!! no need keep thankiewww la Ling. CUKUP CUKUP. abo i PA lo ki nuh !!!

  2. hhahahaha!! lai PA la!! bo kia pun ! xD
    Thanks Thanks Thanks x 10000 !!!! xD
